Pengembangan Media Lift The Flap Book (Buku Berjendela) Pada Pelajaran IPS Kelas IV di MI IslamiyahII Sidodadi Canggu Kediri
Media pembelajaran, IPS, lift the flap book (buku berjendela)Abstract
The research was motivated by the ineffectiveness of the learning process which only relies on Student Worksheets (LKS), especially in Social Sciences (IPS) lessons. With the type of research and development Research & Development (R&D). Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, questionnaires and documentation. This research produces lift the flap book learning media on the material "Economic Activities". Validation results of Media lift the flap book by design experts with an average of 84%, material experts with an average of 94.6% and 92%. The student response questionnaire results in small group trials averaged 98%, while the results in large group trials averaged 92%. N-Gain analysis shows the high N-Gain index category with effective information for 9 (>76%) students, the medium N-Gain index category with quite effective information for 14 (40-74%) students. Low N-Gain index category with ineffective information for 3 (<40%) students. So it can be concluded that the lift the flap book media is effectively applied in social studies lessons for class IV economic activity material at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.